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Monday, October 12, 2009

Cheaper Florida Home Owners Insurance Insurance -- 6 Tips For Bigger Discounts

I'll reveal more tips anyone can use to get massive discounts without putting themselves at risk. Also take note of the precaution you're advised to take as you make use of these tips...

1. Smoke and fire dectectors will help you lower your home's fire risk. If you have them in all the essential areas of your home you'll get a discount.

Detectors mean fires are easily noticed and extinguished before much damage is done. And because the risk of fire in a home is important in calculating premiums, you'll pay far less by taking this step.

2. Dead-bolt locks on all your exterior doors will help you attract a more affordable rate. It's more difficult for burglars to break into homes that have such locks. The more secured your home is against burglary, the less the risk taken in insuring it.

3. You will pay lower premiums if you choose to pay your premiums yearly and not monthly. A major reason for this is the cost an insurance company incurs for sending you twelve bills instead of just one anually.

The cost shoots up if you include the fact that they pay transaction charges for processing each check you send them monthly. They pay transaction fees 12 times instead of once anually for monthly premiums. And as with everything else, it's you the customer or insured who will be responsible for that cost.

You will make considerable savings if you start paying annually. The actual amount you could save may differ but you may be able to save up to a month's premium worth with some insurance companies if you choose this option.

4. Bearing in mind that nothing stays constant, it's a good idea to go over your Florida home owners insurance insurance policy from periodically to ensure you neither have more than you should nor have inadequate coverage. The value of your diamond ring might have dropped considerably and so require that you reduce your coverage.

If it is now worth less, you will then do the sensible thing: Reduce your coverage accordingly and get cheaper rates as a result. But understand that the opposite could as well be the case where you'd have to buy more coverage because it has increased in its worth. The good thing, in spite of all, is that whichever it turns out to be you'll be the better for it.

5. Don't buy a house without obtaining a CLUE (comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) report if you are serious about saving on your Florida homeowners insurance insurance. This report will reveal issues that could make you pay a lot more for your Florida home insurance insurance.

For example, some people do NOT realize that they'll pay more if the town they reside in has just a volunteer fire service and NOT a full time service. Having a home near to a police station or fire hydrant will also lower your Florida home owners insurance insurance rates.

These types of important details should be studied before you pay for a house. The little savings you made on buying the wrong home might pale in significance to the premiums you'll pay in a few years.

6. Make out some time to visit not less than 5 insurance quotes sites. This will take you not more than 25 minutes. As you visit each quotes site, make sure you give the same details. Doing otherwise will give you misleading results. When you've obtained your quotes, compare them to determine which serves your interest best in price/value.

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